Photo of Brentwood Council Offices

Brentwood Area NhW is the umbrella organisation for local ‘Watches’ that have been established in various parts of the Borough. It represents them at Community Safety Partnership meetings with Brentwood Council, the Police, Essex Fire & Rescue and other such bodies. It also represents them at Essex County NhW meetings as well as appearing at various Community days in its own right to promote Neighbourhood Watch in Brentwood as a whole.
Our web pages are within
Our Facebook pages are
West Horndon Neighbourhood Watch
Brentwood District Neighbourhood Watch
Hutton & Shenfield Neighbourhood Watch
Pilgrims Hatch Neighbourhood Watch
Warley & West Brentwood Neighbourhood Watch Group
We also post inThe Doddinghurst Discussion Page : Ingatestone News : Mountnessing Village News
Brentwood Rural Villages Community Group : Hutton, Shenfield & surrounding area Chatter.
and local area Nextdoor.
You can follow as on Twitter @brentwoodnhw
We encourage everyone in the area to join us, free of charge, and to sign up to our mailing lists to receive advice on scams, personal safety and how to protect belongings and home from the increasingly craftier criminals. By circulating crime reports, advice and warnings we receive from various Authorities, we get everyone to take the best possible care of themselves and their property. Some 'Watches'; also support their communities by running Community Speed Watch activities. Forfurther information please use the email address below.
We liaise with the Police at meetings, by email and by telephone, letting them guide us, whilst we press them with details of problems that need to be tackled. One local ‘Watch’ had for many years also been running a Junior section in conjunction with the Police and a local Junior School. This work has been so well received it is now included in the official PHSE curriculum for the Children at that School.
There are various, well established, local ‘Watches’ in the Borough including Hutton Poplars, Sebastian Avenue, Worrin Road, Priests Lane, Ongar Road (Robin Hood/Doddinghurst Road), Post Office Road (Ingatestone), The Belvoir (Ingatestone), Doddinghurst and Navestock to name but a few.
For further information about these please email as below.
There is no fee or any charge whatsoever for becoming a member of Neighbourhood Watch.

The main point of contact is Peter Salmon, e-mail : [email protected]


Website :      E-mail :  [email protected]  

Report to Essex County NW Association   Events prior to 15th May 2024  

With one of our Community Policing Team Officers we again had a table at Ingatestone Community Centre Coffee Morning. Also joining us was our Essex Watch Liaison Officer.  Joining The Council’s Community Connect ‘Bus’ we appeared in Brentwood High Street, Kelvedon Hatch, Doddinghurst and Ingatestone.  We have also attended on line : PF&CC Rural Crime Forum and 2 Essex Police Strategic meetings.  Physical meetings attended include our Community Safety Partnership and local Police meetings.   We have been advised by Essex County Council that a charge will be made for holding Community Engagements in our three Libraries but they have advised that we can apply to them for funding to cover this additional cost.