Joining Neighbourhood Watch
Welcome to the Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association Website
Most visitors to our website would be interested in knowing more about how they can get involved in Neighbourhood Watch in Essex either by joining an existing local scheme as a member or maybe starting up a new scheme as a Co-ordinator. Depending on your interest these are the steps to follow.
Joining as a member of an existing scheme
The Home page of this website has a list of all the Neighbourhood Watch Districts in Essex.
Go to the Home Page and click on the District in which you live. Send an email to the address given and the District Co-ordinator or one of the team will contact you. If there is an existing scheme in your road the Co-ordinator can be advised to make contact and add you to the membership.
If there is no existing scheme, arrangements may be made to add you to the membership of a nearby one until such time as your road may have Neighbourhood Watch representation.
Joining as a Co-ordinator for a new scheme
If this appeals to you and we hope it does , then contact the District Co-ordinator (as above) for the District in which you live and you will be given more information on what the role of the Co-ordinator entails and how we can get your scheme up and running. All our Districts provide help and support throughout and supply whatever you need such as street signs, Member Packs etc.
We hope that you become part of our Neighbourhood Watch community in Essex.
The video on the right was created by EssexCares specially for people who like to rea British Sign Language. It was sponsored by Roger Hirst, our Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
The video is in MP4 format, compatible with most recent computers