Joining Neighbourhood Watch
Information on Neighbourhood Watch
You may have read or heard of NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH schemes but are still not sure what they are or whether you would like to be involved in one. It is worth stressing that is not a vigilante organisation and that participation is passive. Members are encouraged to act as the eyes and ears of the community. However, It is the job of the police to patrol the streets and NOT Neighbourhood Watch members.
What is Neighbourhood Watch? The aims of a NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH GROUP are as follows:
- It’s a free, confidential service and it is up to you how involved you want to be
- To reduce opportunities for crime by deterring would be thieves and vandals
- To establish a community spirit so that everyone can contribute to the property by mutual co-operation
- To inform the Police of any suspicious activity
- To make members more aware of local crime problems and be more security conscious about their homes and property
- To encourage neighbourliness
What’s in it for me?
- Many home contents insurance companies offer a discount to the members of registered Neighbourhood Watch groups
- Property prices can rise in areas where and area has little or no crime
3. Crimes against property can be reduced
4. A better community spirit can be created
5. Neighbourhood Watch groups have frequent contact with their local policing teams
6. Information and crime alerts can be quickly circulated to Neighbourhood Watch groups thus raising awareness and the opportunity to prevent crime and from members from being victims of crime
7. You don’t have to be actively involved to participate. Many members simply register their e-mail addresses with us so that they can receive crime alerts and crime prevention advice via their computers in their own homes. Registered e-mail addresses are held securely and NEVER divulged to outside agencies etc.
In short, forming a Neighbourhood Watch group will lead to a greater shared awareness of local problems and a better understanding of practical steps that can be taken to tackle them. If you want to know more, clike here